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清洁能源技术refer to the use of renewable and sustainable sources of energy in orderto reduce greenhousegas emissions and promote sustainable development. The development of清洁energy technologies has become increasinglyimportant in recent years due to the negative impacts offossil fuels on the environment.。

Some of the key清洁能源科技include solar power, wind power, hydropower,地球能源和生物能源。These科技have been advancing rapidly in recentyears,with significant improvements in efficiency and cost-effectiveness.。

Solar power, for examplehas seen a dramatic reduction in the cost of photovoltaic cells . making it a more affordable optionfor households and businesses. Wind power has also become more efficient,with larger turbines andbetter blade designs allowing for greater energy output. Hydropower has been a reliable sourceofrenewable energy for many years, and advancements in technology have made it even more efficient.。

地球thermal energy is another promising清洁能源技术。生物能源(Bioenergy, which involves the use of biomass such as wood),crops,and waste to generate energy, has also seen significant advancements in recent years.。

The development of清洁能源科技is not only important for reducing emissions andpromoting sustainabledevelopment。but also for creating new job opportunities and driving economic growth. Governments and businessesaround the world areincreasingly investing in清洁能源科技and initiatives in order toaddress the challenges of climatechange and create a more sustainable future.\\\"


6月5日(June 5)是世界环境保护日。我们周围的环境越来越差,污染也越来越严重。是。


I’m very proud that I have chosen to speak to you all today,I’ma bit nervous as I’ve never made aspeech before to so many people,so please forgive me if it shows。

As we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places we can’t seefish swimming In theriver or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I是think we must do something to protect . . the environment. .But what can we do ?How to protect our environmemt吗For example,we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can useshopping basskets not plastic bags .when we go shoppingand we can use both sides of the paper whenwe write .In a word,if everyone pays more attention to our environmentthere will be less pollutionand our life will be better。

“There is only one earth”,“I hope everyone will protect our environment well. Thanks!”是。






Automobiles is one of the most important symbol of the process of modern society. No doubt thatAutomobiles can surelyimprove the quality of people's life but they can also cause public functionwhile作用which has already beengeneral concern of modern society. Among the harms to ourenvironment while using cars,producing toxic gases is an important one。

The toxic gases produced by The car including The CO,theHC, The NOX The dusts and so on. They cancertainly cause air pollution as well as do harm to people' health. Currently themost common way ofcontrolling the toxic gases produced by the car in both domestic and abroad field are theinnermachine purifying technology and the outer machine purifying technology. the innermachinepurifying technology focuseon improving the工作过程of the engine while the outer useical or physical method to purify the formed gases produced by the car at the end of theperiodwhen cars produce pollution. At last,the text makes a general description of the清洁energy,which is also the developing aim of the efforts to controllingair pollution caused by thecar-to exploit alternative energy。


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